We’re excited to share some of our research, pedagogical, and academic initiatives with the broader community to help increase the visibility of emerging areas of academic research, highlight translational technologies, bolster career development opportunities, and foster engagement with the public at large.
Fiat Lux Seminar Series
This series opens various discusses around-epistemological processes that generate scientific knowledge and examines the interconnectedness of academic engagement and service to issues of justice and representation in society.
Queered Science & Technology Center Repository
The Queered Science & Technology Center (QSTC) at UCLA focuses on new frameworks that address overarching issues of diversity and critical representation in STEM through queer, radical feminist, and black analyses of the impact of science & technology in society. The QSTC employs these critical frameworks to destabilize sexual, gendered, racialized, anthropocentric, and able-bodies logics and hierarchies in challenging and rethinking knowledge production, as a scientific exercise and introduces new methodological resources for critical interdisciplinarity in traditional STEM studies.
You can find original works from scholars engaged in QSTC studies here:
Journal Club
Our Journal Clubs are bi-weekly discussions with internal and external experts discussing a variety of intersecting disciplines and emerging topics relevant to our cooperative.